My Sunday Drive is for EVERYONE


  1. HAVE SOMETHING OF INTEREST. You should have a reason that Sunday-Drivers want to visit your shop: Something to sell. Something to see (Real estate open house?) Art to show. Something to give away. Something to do: a class, meeting or an activity - Churches, Clubs, Book-Clubs & Sewing / Gardening Circles are welcome!

  2. HAVE AN ACCESSIBLE VENDING SPACE. This can be WHATEVER you want it to be: An open air yard sale. A roadside-table. Traditional Market-tent. Open Garage / Carport. Food Truck. Trailer. Open House / Open Studio. Set-up whatever you feel comfortable creating.

  3. BE THERE! Be present & available during the days & hours you signed up for. There’s no fee, and no requirement to participate. It’s totally voluntary. So barring a true emergency - If you sign up - do what you say you’re gonna do. This thing will only work if people PARTICIPATE.

  4. POST OUR SIGNAGE / HAND OUT THE MAP Drivers wont know where to go if you don’t have signage. You will be provided with a printable file when you sign up. Please print and post this somewhere visible at your site. You may also pick-up preprinted signs for free at the Hitchman Homestead. We encourage you to do more than the minimum to direct traffic your way - Signage Packages will be available at a minimal fee if you’d prefer. Or you may visit a local print shop and have them produced for you if you’d rather get them at-cost. (We’re happy to provide the artwork) For the maps to hand-out: A printable file of this months map will be provided to participating vendors on the last Sunday of every month. Please print at least 10 of these and give them away to visitors. Likewise - you can pickup preprinted maps at the Hitchman Homestead or have them printed at a local shop.

  5. FOLLOW APPLICABLE LAWS. We require vendors to know and agree to follow the laws applicable to their products & situation. Cottage Bakers - WE IMPLORE YOU - get familiar with the Texas Cottage Law. (I’ve linked it there - no excuses! CLICK ON IT and BOOKMARK IT for future reference. This site also has links for the food-handlers safety cert and label info that you’ll need). Following these guidelines protects the public and protects YOU from liability should someone get sick! Same goes for Taxes & Permits. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR VENDORS TO KNOW & COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE LAW. No. We’re not going to police y’all. If we get-wind of someone scamming or doing something unsafe or egregious - that vendor will be removed from participation. Under NO circumstance is MY SUNDAY DRIVE liable for legal infractions committed by our members.

Have you ever wanted to try a Pop-up shop? Now’s your chance!

We’re open to ANY vendor, ANY Producer - Home Bakers, Backyard Gardeners, Cottage Producers. ANY Small Business. ALL Artists. Have a collection of Home-Clean-Out items you’d like to yard-sale? Does your 10 year old want to set up a Lemonade Stand? Have a SURPRISE litter of kitties that are ready for new homes? Are your chickens Laying overtime & you’d like to sell off some eggs? This is for you!

Sign up and get listed on this Months Drive-map.

You must be willing to host your POP UP at your site - and to be open & available during the First Sunday of the Month.



Q: Is it REALLY free?

A: To participate - Yes. Our only exceptions are for Real-Estate open houses and Brick & Mortar Stores. (more on that later)

We do have opportunities to purchase Signage as well as Featured Vendor status in our advertising. These are voluntary.

Real Estate Open houses will be listed for a fee of $10 / mo. They will be featured in a section on our website as well as posts on our social media. We will include links to your official listing / realtor site if provided.

Brick and Mortar Business have two options: 1. $10 listing fee for each participating month OR 2. Fees will be waived IF you agree to post our signage in a location visible to customers at your business for at least 30 days.

My Sunday Drive is out of pocket for all Advertising and infrastructure - as well as the time to put this together. If you want to contribute financially to help us grow - WE APPRECIATE IT.

Q: Are there limits on the number of vendors in any category?

A: No. If we end up with 50 bakers, so be it. There is no guarantee of protected status for your category. Our Sunday-Drivers will choose who to visit and spend with. If you want a leg-up - differentiate yourself from the other guy: Have a better product, better prices, better advertising etc.

My Sunday Drive has NO control over what is sold by each vendor. We only ask that you keep it legal, safe and appropriate to our audience.

Q: Are there vendor attendance requirements?

A: No. Try it once, and if its not for you, don’t sweat it. Occasional or Seasonal participation is fine too (IE - I only have garden produce May - September) We only ask that you keep whatever commitments you make - if you RSVP ‘yes’ for a date - Set up! If you have a true emergency and won’t be able to participate - PLEASE take 10 seconds to text or email to cancel. If you no-show/ no-call and we get wind of it -you may be removed from our roster.

Q: My site is out-of-area / not suited for public access - can I still participate?

A: Possibly! The Hitchman Homestead has space for you to set up if you’d like to travel to us - and limited unmanned display space if you’d like to sell on-consignment.

Likewise - we don’t require you to own the space you use, only that you have permission to vend there. Feel free to coordinate with another vendor or a friend with a more suitable space to create your pop up.

Q: How many Customers can we expect?

A: NO IDEA! As this thing gets off the ground - any expectation of visitors would be a complete guess. We have no idea how many Sunday Drivers will participate - or if Drivers will choose to stop at your location. We ask that you bear-with-us for the first few months while we get going. We will ask for feedback after every Drive-day and for an approximate visitor count that visited your location.

Q: Sunday really doesn’t work for me - do you have other options?

A: Right now, no. If this thing gets legs - maybe in the future. You are welcome to work with another vendor to sell your items, hire a salesperson to do so - or give us a call to discuss placement in our consignment space. We also have options for paid advertising on our publications and social media - if you’d like to advertise your shop or (non Sunday) event through us.